E-2 Visa Investment Requirements: How Much Do You Need?

e 2 visa minimum investment
Facundo Bermudez
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Published on 7 Aug 2024 Time to read 19 min read Last update on 27 Aug 2024

An E-2 Treaty Investor Visa is an immigration option for an entrepreneur who wishes to live and work in the US through investment in a US business. However, such an individual must meet certain requirements, including investment requirements. Therefore, this article will present information about minimum investment amounts required for E2 Visa investment, types of qualifying investments, liquid and fixed assets, legitimacy of investment, as well as considerations for increasing the likelihood of visa approval.

The Minimum Investment Amounts for E-2 Visa

The most common question concerning the E-2 visa is the following: How much is enough to be invested? The precise answer is difficult to give because the US government has not specified a particular amount. Namely, the investment should be considered “substantial” in terms of the total cost of buying an existing business or starting the type of business that you desire. 

Substantial Investment Analysis: What Does Substantial Mean?

 The term is general and can be of different meaning depending on the business, its type, and the total costs that are required to start this business. In other words, the investment is seen as substantial when it is large enough to guarantee a successful run of the business. 

The Department of State adopts the proportionality approach or test is applied to determine whether the investment is sufficient. Thus, the invested money should make the business viable and promote growth.

As an example, if you are buying a small retail store with total costs of $100k then enough would be at least 75–80 thousand dollars (anywhere from significant). Conversely, if you are investing in a factory that has to cost $1 million before it can put the first concrete mix or nail on your wall, an investment of only $300.000 would most likely not be considered as substantial one

Precision of the Sum to Invest

Nature or type of the Business: Some commercial ventures require more capital to launch and maintain. A firm offering services, or other types of businesses which cost a very little capital to establish may reduce the amount. This showcase is based on the total amounts and should be commensurate with either salient necessity of your type connected business to originate.

Location : The cost of your business can vastly be determined buy the location. Enterprise in effectuation places that higher leases & overheads may perhaps want a extra capital funding than those situated within the darkness land or small towns.

Business Plan:– A proper business plan is important to show the justification of money required. This is easy, with projected expenses v/s revenue and growth strategies to draw out. A good business plan or we can name it roadmap, for that word has been ruined by social media company marketers trying to sell their product or service and win your business!!

Industry Standards: Every industry has different parts of the capital required. The investment size should be industry-appropriate. This could include a high fixed investment cost (eg starting up a tech company where it may have required substantial upfront investments in technology and talent) or lower capital requirements, such as opening small cafe.

Financial status of the applicant: The personal financial situation of the applicants and potential to remain in this investment is also relevant as what constitutes substantial can vary across individuals. It is important that they put a sizeable amount of their own money in, indicative to them having ‘skin-in-the-game’ and being an investor not just for the potential windfall.


E-2 Visa Most Investments

Although no official minimum amount is listed, most immigration attorneys and professionals recommend coming as close to $100 000 when you are applying for an E-2 visa. While this figure is not set in stone, it is often seen as enough to show good faith and meet the substantiality requirement.

That being said, it is still possible to secure an E-2 visa at a lower investment amount so long as sufficient business planning supports the initial capital and further demonstrates that the costs are reasonable in view of what will ultimately be required for this unique enterprise. Investments as low as 75,000 have been approved for smaller cost businesses. In the end, it comes down to how convincing of a case you can make that what is being invested here would truly be significant given type and size of business.


Takeaway on Minimum Investment

A top-line point is that there are no set minimum investment numbers for E-2 visas. The investment has to be considerable meaning it needs to really cover an enough amount of money for the business work in addition that have a proper comparison with the overall expense been made when making or buying this set up. This is why applicants are expected to create a creative business plan which shows how much the company needs financially, and uses that data to explain away their asking price.

Eligible Investment Types

For applicants, knowing that the investments are covered is an essential part of what qualifies funds when applying for an E-2 Visa These investments need to meet certain eligibility criteria. In this post, we will cover the types of investments allowed under an E-2 visa and how you can manage such investment.

Investments can be active or passive on the basis of how much they draw from within.

The direct investment requirement is probably the most difficult for investors to understand as they begin their search for qualifying E-2 investments. The investor was required to be managing and operating the business. E-2 visa does not support passive investments, like buying stocks or property that do not require active management.

Active investments: When an investor gets a controlling interest in the business and also takes part actively every day while carrying out operations. This might involve things like setting direction, managing a team of people, financing your operation or growing the business.


Qualified E-2 Investment Businesses

The E-2 visa is applicable to a variety of businesses as long as you invest in an active business. So, here are few of the businesses which qualify for such emergency fund relief programs.

Retail Stores: As long as the investor is actively managing the operations businesses that sell goods directly to consumers are eligible – such as clothing boutiques, electronics shops or specialty food stores.

Service-Based Businesses: E-2 visa is available for consulting firms, marketing agencies, IT services and other businesses that base their operations on the provision of services. The investor must be actively part of the service delivery and management.

Franchises : Buying a franchise can be an attractive investment option for those who want to take advantage of the established business model and support provided. Provided the investor is involved in managing the franchise, this falls within an E-2 visa.

Manufacturing Companies: For any scale of manufacturing operation, from small operations to larger facilities such as plants or factories Best Fit — the investor is involved at both a management and production level.

Hospitality businesses: hotels, motels and restaurants are a common choice E-2 investors. The thing that makes this work is the investor himself doing day to day operations management from hiring, customer service and financial handling.

Tech Startups: If the tech company is based on software development, app building or other technology which may qualify for E-2 visa. The investor must get involved in the growth of company, management and strategy.

Non-Qualifying Investments

Investments that are classified as passive or which will not require management and create jobs do not meet E-2 visa requirements. These include:

Real Estate Investments: Just buying a property to rent or resell is not enough unless the investor has more than one home with multiple tenants and needs to oversee those locations as well.

Stock Market Investments: This includes merely buying stocks, bonds or other securities are not allowed as these constitute passive investments and do not involve active management.

Control of an E-2 Business: Having ownership in a business and not being able to direct its operations does not qualify the company for an investor visa. The investor has to show engagement.

Direct vs Indirect Investment in Investment Funds

When making an investment in E-2 category, the capital you invest must be concrete and committed to this business. This means the money is earmarked to be spent on things like buying equipment, getting office space, hiring workers or other costs related to running your business. The monies cannot be merely speculative or put into a bank account for the business to use.

A direct investment shows the seriousness of the investor to do business and approach their corpus too at risk. Abnormal issue: In general money that is not used in working and sitting on by side especially leading to the noncompliance with E-2 treaty will NOT meet for an e 2 visa.

Final Thoughts on Identifying Qualified Investments

The investment needs to be active for the E-2 visa and a substantial role in management or operations by the investor is required. These are cashflow that must be going into the business itself, something showing they mean to make it a success. However, you would be ineligible if they were passive investments that required no active management (for example: stocks; or unmanaged real estate).


E-2 Investments: Liquid Assets vs. Fixed Assets

This leads us to our next branch of the E-2 visa investment requirements: the difference between liquid assets and fixed investments, which are essential when evaluating an eligible investment.

What Are Liquid Assets?

Liquid Asset: An asset that can be converted into cash quickly without large impact on the value. Cash Stocks Bonds Mutual Funds Other markets oriented type of a security Liquid assets are typically used to show proof of funds for the E-2 visa.

What Are Fixed Assets?

Long-term assets that are not easily converted to cash is referred to as Fixed Assets or Tangible Assets Examples are tangible things, like buildings, machinery and equipment (to operate it), other vehicles and office or household furniture. Fixed assets are generally common to the operation of a business and not for sale.

What about liquid assets in E-2 investments?

At the beginning, starting a new business or buying one out requires liquid assets which will enable you to clear company expenses incurred at startup and accommodate contingency spending. The E-2 visa applicant must also demonstrate that they have invested or are actively in the process of investing substantial liquid assets into the business.

If it is a retail store your liquid assets would be used to buy inventory, rent the location of your shop and hire employees amongst other operational costs. These investments reflect that the applicant has skin-in-the-game and can afford to run this business.

The importance of fixed assets to E-2 investments

Fixed assets are those which the business requires for long term operation. It is the physical infrastructure required for operating business which may be a property, machinery of services and office equipment. Fixed assets, although less liquid in nature as compared to the current ones are nonetheless vital for the operation of a business and indicate how significant is an investment.

If it is a manufacturing business, then buying machinery and equipment may be considered as making substantial investment on the fixed assets. These resources are those which goods and services the business uses to carry out its operations.

Liquid and Illiquid Assets Balancing

It is important to balance the liquid and fixed assets for E-2 visa purposes. This investment should be distributed over the two type of assets, according to what our business needs. A rational mix of liquid and fixed assets is evidence that the investor not only has brought sufficient capital to commence business, but also created a system for producing it.

A company is not considered viable if its fixed investments are too extensive compared to their liquid ones, because there will be no way for them to cover operational costs. By the same token, a company with only liquid assets and no fixed would be considered illiquid and therefore not necessarily an attractive long-term investment.

Conclusion on Liquid vs. Fixed assets

One of the pivotal things is to demonstrate a significant investment in liquid assets and tangible inventory when applying for an E-2 visa. These liquid assets exhibits your ability to finance and maintain your business in the short-term, whereas fixed asset shows a dedication toward the long term running of the firm. To satisfy the E-2 visa requirements, and to show that this is a real investment, you need to have it balanced.


Here’s How To Prove You’re a legit investor

Demonstrating the validity of your investment is essential for successfully applying to an E-2 visa. To obtain an E2 visa, the US government needs proof that your investment is:ereal |substantial|intent to operate a business And also, you just need to verify about your investment. Here is how:


The source of your funds is one part and parcel of the proof that shows you got whatever investment legally. This requires a complete, clean chain of where the funds came from and how they were acquired. In every country they have been accused of supporting terrorists and conducting illegal activities, the United States wondered how the investment funds that established its “thousand year” were still in place.


Savings: Bank statements showing personal savings built up over time.

Money you inherited: You’d submitted legal documents or a will showing the source of those funds as an inheritance.

Asset Liquidation: Evidence of liquidation sale assets, including transaction records for personal/business property or stocks.

Management Profits Statements: Financial statements or tax returns that you were able to earn as a business.

Loans: Loan documents (loan agreements, promissory notes), and bank statements demonstrating the receipt of funds for the investment & evidence regarding where/how you acquired your loan. One critical point to insist for is that most banks do not consider loans against the company assets.

Displaying Proof of the Investment Made

You will have to prove that the money has been fully committed into the business (meaning, it cannot be withdrawn back). That money is effectively gone, or as good as it… spent or legally required to be spent on business expenses. Here are a few ways to show this:

Receipts and Invoices (These are copies of receipts and invoices for items purchased because of the business like: equipment, inventory &ad office supplies).

Lease Agreements : Submit a copy of signed lease agreements for your office or retail space.

Payroll Records: submit payroll records to demonstrate that you are hiring and paying salaries.

Contracts: Provide contracts for services, suppliers or partnerships that show the business is still running.4.

Bank Statements– Submit bank statements which would show the funds transferred to business account and ensure payments have been made towards running your collection upkeep.

Delivering a Robust Business Plan

Proving that there is an actual business need for the money you are investing comes down to having a complete business plan. The business plan should include, the nature of the company, market evaluation, financial forecasting and marketing strategies & operational construct. It should also include:

  • In the front of your business plan, write an executive summary.
  • Market analysis: Conduct industry, target market and competition research.
  • Organizational Structure (Management team, employees and organizational hierarchy)
  • Financial Forecasts: These financial projections are going to include line items from income statements, cash flow statement and balance sheet for no less than five years
  • Amount of Investment Required: The requisite funding and its utilization

There are plans, i.e. what a good growth strategy looks like result in to scaling up business and break even stage which is profitability.

This is a piece of information should be clearly articulated within the business plan and goes to prove not necessarily that this applicant has prospective; viable businesses but can help provide evidence that money matters are being shorted up as well.


Along the same lines, control and active participation are demonstrated.

Qualifications For An E-2 You must show that you have control over the funds for your investment and be actively involved in running your business. This can be shown through:

  • Ownership Documents: Give evidence that shows your overall percentage of ownership by attaching things like share certificates, partnership agreements or LLC membership certificate.
  • Management:supplying documents that describe your involvement in the business, such as job titles, duties you performed and power to make decisions.
  • Organizational charts (you can include an organizational chart and indicate where you reside in the company)
  • Affects on a Daily Basis: Show proof of being involved in the day to day operations, this could include emails, minutes, sign off business plans etc.

Conclusion on Verifying an Investment

To satisfy that you made an E-2 investment in good faith, your application must include a clear and comprehensive trail establishing the capital lawful source; its commitment to business activities or other positions listed on Form I-129/Petition for Non-immigrant Status (Form DS 156E) if applicable but not submitted prior due dates), as well how active involvement they exerted with their role by which were made eligible under subsection1. To prove that an application is not just marginally involving a small sum of money, and it passes the ‘substantial amount test’, USCIS requires to see any potential business plan be backed by detailed information on what happens on day-to-day basis.


How to get the most out of your investment for a visa grant

Making the most of your investment to satisfy E-2 visa requirements requires advanced planning and careful maneuvering. 10 tips to increase your chances of Visa Approval

1. Choose the Right Business

Choosing the correct business for E-2 Visa success is to pick businesses that suit your skills, abilities as well as passions. Look at industries that are growing or have a consistent market demand. E-2 investors frequently consider franchises because of their successful business models and support systems.

2. Have a Good Business Plan

A solid  business plan is an excellent way to show that you are serious about this line of work and see a future for the company. Make a detailed, realistic business plan that also rests on extensive market research. Showcase your business’ USPs, competitive advantages and key growth strategies.

3. Demonstrate Your Job Creation Dedication

The E-2 visa program is designed in part to help boost the US economy through investment activity and job growth. Focus on how you are dedicated to hiring US workers and supporting the economy in your community. Add a job creation plan to your business plan and include the present or future staff in it.

4. Record Everything on the Investment

Maintain complete financial records on your investment. Funds and reported investments need to be relevant, detailed and witnessed by banks statements, receipts or invoices (included in contracts if applicable) also showing the investment is significant & being used for the furtherance of the business. Well-documents are always an asset. Writing a clear and organized documentation strut when it comes to strengthening that application of yours!

5. Comply with US Laws and Regulation

You will want to ensure that your business is fully compliant with all applicable US laws, including any state and local requirements. In order to be allowed into the space, you need all of those things (licenses, permits and certifications) as well. If you fail to abide by any of the terms, your US visa could also be denied or revoked.

6. Prove that you are Less Risky from the Financial Standpoint

Demonstrate financial fitness for your business to succeed This could be the result of financial projections, cash flow statements and evidence that your business has enough working capital. The financial capacity will make immigration officers understand that the business is able to stand on its own and would remain a going concern.

7. Seek Professional Advice

The E-2 visa process can be intricate. Get the help of immigration lawyers, business consultants and financial advisers. Second, they can offer valuable advice that may guide you on how to fulfill the investment requirements and put together a good application.

8. Be Prepared for the Interview

You will then need to make an appointment for a consular interview,if your application is approved. Be ready to discuss your investment, business plan and part you will play in the company. Always rehearse how best you could tackle the questions, and prepare readily available documentation.

The One Takeaway to Get the Most out of Your Investment

To get E-2 visa approval, business selection (key to maximize your investment), strong business plan preparation, job creation commitment show through documents purchase and set up of franchise in the US, all aspects putting on record, compliant with U.S laws regulations are some important points which cannot be afforded to not mentioned here People who could sustain themselves financially when pursuing an opportunity for enterprise or have sufficient funds need documentation also seek professional assistance about legal financial matters while seeking Visa Act compliance interview prep stands a must. This can significantly lower the chances of an E-2 visa filing and kick off your entrepreneurial voyage throughout usa.

E2 visa minimum investment tips are for any aspiring entrepreneur who is looking to start or buy a business in the United States, one thing that they need to have knowledge about are E-2 visa investment requirements. Navigating the E-2 visa process simply means, by meeting minimum investment requirements and other criteria (as mentioned above) you shall be able to own your sole proprietorship or small business in the U.S. Let us know if this guide helps to enlighten you on how an entrepreneur can succeed with a simple path: How To Get An Investor Visa & Live In The U.S.  

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